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ElderCare: The Graphic Novel
In the year 2036, the average age at death in economically advanced countries will be 108 years old. As a result:
Roger Hawkins has a job as a dispatcher for BFD Health. Insurance, licensed to kill anyone on his “list” — all of whom are over the age of 95.
His girlfriend, Susie McDonald, is a nurse with ElderCare, maintaining and caring for the monied but decripit elderly stored in huge, underground vaults.
Stan, Roger’s nemesis and fellow dispatcher, vies with him for geezer targets on the “open list” and for Susie’s sexual attentions in Leopold’s “Back Room.”
The AARF (American Association of Retired Folks) urges its members to “Dispatch the Dispatchers” and stalks Roger and Stan.
Jericho Life Insurance sends out a hit squad against Roger when he is accused of killing one of their insureds.
Sound absurd? That\'s the basic idea.
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