Home » Comic Profiles » Swiftriver
Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 4 March 2009
Last Update: 2 October 2009 URL: www.swiftriver-comics.com
Current Comic Ranking: 19604/26237
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The Story So Far…
Bowie Swiftriver decided to go legit after a botched heist. It turned out the heist was a set up for something grander. However, Bowie never found out what those plans were, seeing as he started hallucinating, causing him to fall off a very tall building.
Bowie then went back home to Boston, where he was hugged and punched by Miranda in the span of two minutes. He then confessed that the disturbing visions were worrying him to his father, Rev. C. J. Riley. Putting his delusions behind him for an evening, Bowie spent a night at one of the local bars, in hopes of getting lucky.
He found a girl that was just his type (easy), but she tried to eat him. Literally. On the plus side, Bowie found out that he wasn’t seeing things, and that these visions of myth were somehow real. He’s currently dripping blood all over Miranda’s floor.
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