Home » Comic Profiles » Heroes inc.
Heroes inc.
In a world where the allies of WWII lost the war ArchibalMaster, the original American Crusader, seeks out other Golden Age heros to collect DNA samples for a new generation of hero.
The story follows, as the Golden Age heroes are resurrected and during WWII as we see the advents that lead up the creation of the original heroes and the losing of the war.
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skythorn |
Still love it. Slow update schedule but super artwork, I love the exposed pencil work underneath the line work and inking. It feels like one of those traditional comics that are made in-front of you for real fans of the medium.
Plot is still rocking along, and some long term pacing has just revealed itself. A labour of long term love is Heroes Inc.
Artwork - Excellent line work, art, perspective and use of comic medium.
Colouring - Colouring show switches from present to pastille past. Excellent.
Plot - Hardnosed yet boilerplate fun - good
Character work - characters are meaningfully battling with good/bad dichotomies - Excellent
Worldwork - it`s our world as if Germany won? Lost? Wildly interesting - Excellent.
Rating : Excellent.
Rated : 5 Feb 2011.
Do yourself a favour - follow it. |
skythorn |
very enjoyable web-comic - plotting and artwork is first rate, love the aged superheros fighting from within a crazed bureaucracy, the powers they demonstrate and the reality of being powerful yet old - the trials of passing the flame over to the new younger less experienced generation ... a fascinating comic and it should be far wider known than it is. Well recommended. |
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