Home » Comic Profiles » Sabrina Online
Sabrina Online
Sabrina Online is the classic longrunning webcomic (since 1996!) about Sabrina the Skunk and her friends and life. Sabrina loves working with Amiga computers and is a web designer for an adult movie studio, a job she still hasn't gotten comfortable with. This description really only scratches on the surface, and one really will just have to read the comic to get even a vague idea of what's going on.
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SammyTheDynamite |
This is my original favorite comic on the web besides Sandra and Woo. I think I found Sabrina first and really liked the art style, as a fangirl of Warner Brothers. It\'s still pretty and the characters have grown a lot. Love! |
Venusfly9108 |
And I do regret actually reading it all. Man, my high school days sure are the worst. |
Venusfly9108 |
Out of everything I\'ve read in this online comic five years ago, I cannot find even one noteworthy thing about this except Zig Zag\'s child hood problems she mentions. Maybe or two funny things, but it\'s coming from you-know-who who isn\'t even the author\'s own character.
I also discovered last year that the comic wasn\'t even good to begin with. The critical reception this gets is usually two out of five but that\'s just being too kind. Luckily, I\'m here to change that. |
Kamil |
I\'m fairly certain this has updated since 2006. For example, there are currently 3 comics for January 2012... |
zedigalis |
my favorite webcomic by far! it is perfect! |
freeme |
a webcomic classic, and still one of the best imo |
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