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Basmachi: Struggle
Chinghiz, the main character, is an idealistic Kirghiz man and he was born to a peasant family in Kyzl-Kiya in Kirghizia at the turn of the 20th century. Because he was born with a clot of blood on his palm, like Genghis Khan and Manas were, his family saw him as the hope of their people.
When Chinghiz was born, his father had lost all his fertile land to the Russian Empire and believed that life as he had known was over. However, because his family believed that Chinghiz could somehow restore what had been lost to their people, they sent him to live with his Western-educated uncle Daniar at the age of 5, so he could have a better chance at succeeding in life.
Soon, Chinghiz grew up to be a fine young man of considerable talent. At the age of 15, he was already fluent in Russian and Kyrgyz, and knew a smattering of English, Tajik and Uzbek. However, in 1916, when the Russian Empire imposed a military draft for non-Russian central Asians that required them to assist the war effort in Europe by building roads and producing food, Chinghiz went into hiding with Daniar. They fled to southern Kirghizia, where revolution was brewing. Inspired, they joined the rebels. Massacres of Kyrgyz who were discovered to be rebels shocked the two, but they continued rebel activity until they eventually became leaders of a small pan-Turkic faction.
The story actually begins when the Basmachi rebels, sick of the new Soviet oppression, abduct Mitya, the son of one of Stalin\'s favorite generals and hold him for ransom. However, Chinghiz, now a high-ranking Basmachi working under the charismatic Turkish leader Enver Pasha, soon discovers that there is more to the world than politics as Mitya turns his world upside down.
This comic begins when Chinghiz, unable to kill Mitya due to his guilt complex, leaves him at his village and decides to lie to Enver Pasha about having killed him. Thus begins a chain of events that no one could have foretold...
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