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Border Crossings

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Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 23 July 2009
Last Update: 26 February 2010
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Current Comic Ranking: 18784/26237
Views This Month: 15   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 29   (More...)
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BORDER CROSSINGS is a dark marine fantasy where a salvage submarine’s strange crew must redefine freedom for their drowned world.

If you prefer comparisons it’s Firefly, The Dark Crystal and Perdido Street Station in a nautical steampunk mash-up. The story is also an allegory for the modern era of globalization.

Venetia Toco falls through a portal to another world in a surfing accident. The place she ends up in is mostly oceanic, with only one remaining island. Strong economic disparity exists between the intelligent marine races and the remaining “air-breathers.” These different ethnicities have one thing in common: they all fetishize artifacts from Earth. Why? Because anything from Earth (bullets, chunks of wood, even human beings) can invoke special powers from ancient symbols called graphemes.

Before the undead border patrol can capture her, a cuttlefish-shaped salvage submarine named The Rhizome retrieves Venetia. She joins the ship’s crew of odd displaced beings, led by the provocative radical Captain M.P. Skulker.

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