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Welcome, friends, to [Insert Title Here]. What exactly is [Insert Title Here], you may ask? Well, there\'s a short answer and a long one. The short one is that it\'s a webcomic. Simple enough right? The long answer....well, it\'s a lot of things. [ITH] is a comic about breaking the 4th wall (and the 5th and 6th, as they are found). It is a comic about life, the universe, and everything, yet nothing at all. It will spontaneously switch between the second and third dimensions, and may even occasionally ascend into the 4th and beyond (probably when it breaks the 6th wall...we\'re a little shaky on the details here, too much interference from tachyons). It will address issues that may be serious, senseless, or perhaps just plain maniacal. It is a comic that will make references to math, science, gaming, literature, movies, music, and anything in between. Except badges. We don\'t need no stinkin\' badges (wait, scratch that...the guard says we need our ID badges to get back in here...security is strangely tight around here). Maybe it\'s badgers (badger badger badger ba-SLAP) we don\'t deal with. I can\'t remember. I think I ate a poison mushroom last night.
In any case. Those of you that visit may be hardcore webcomic fans, or perhaps you\'re just a web diver that somehow stumbled upon this little page. Whoever you are, I hope you will enjoy this comic, and laugh, cry, gigglesnort, omfgroflmaowut, or whatever, as much as I do as I draw these up for all y\'all.
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