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my little world
my little world is an umbrella comic collection, which houses multiple strips of varying frequency:
the illustrious mr. p. is the main comic of mlw, featuring misadventures of a man and his roommate with a poor haircut.
bob and timmy is a series based on a fictional friendship between robert smith (lead singer of the cure) and tim burton (of nightmare before christmas, edward scissorhands etc fame) and all of their wacky dark antics. who ever could have imagined a bond so strong between two stars.
walking hawking & robo-tyson is a series which most likely needs the most explaining. ok... so lets start with the multiverse. if multiverse theory is correct, then there exist an infinite number of parallel universes in which every possible outcome to every situation is happening. based on this wild assumption, and a night of drinking. i began to imagine an alternate dimension where stephen hawking (theoretical cosmologist and quantum gravity fan) was never stricken with illness, and where neil degrasse tyson (dir. hayden planetarium, auth. death by black hole, framed for the murder of pluto, and all around charming astrophysicist) has a bionic \"swiss army-arm\" built by the engineers of the large hadron collider. together, they fight the forces of evil with help from various other scientific minds all in the pursuit of a new tomorrow and a better today.
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