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Shadows of Enchantment
In the land of Nirhal, enchantment is an art that tempts with promises of power, wealth and miracles, but in the end only corrupts and destroys. 500 years ago, it took a war to save Nirthal from its influence. Now, in spite of the lessons of the past, there are signs that the corruption that nearly destroyed the kingdom is beginning to reemerge.
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skythorn |
Ive been very much enjoying this webcomic lately and while it\'s updates are kinda once-every-two-weeks, its still most enjoyable, a few perplexing unexplained plot devices are in place, and it\'s presented well.
As of 9 Feb 2011 there are 73 pages of the webcomic in the archives, and its nicely done.
Artwork - Good line work, perspective and curiously warped viewpoints and artefacts blend well to give a distinctive style. Good
Colouring - I`m no expert on colouring, so I`ll just say `competent` which can range from crap to magnificent. .
Plot - Nice unfolding, great introduction to the story, steady unfolding from that point. Good to Great
Character work - I dont really empathise with the characters that much, I guess the isolation angle could be used more to give characters more `humanity` - especially those who have questionable humanity. Fair to Good.
Worldwork - Mostly intricate and seemingly tight. Good.
Rating : Good to V.Good.
9 Feb 2011 |
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