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Planes of Eldlor

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Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 13 January 2010
Last Update: 16 July 2012
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Current Comic Ranking: 2741/26237
Views This Month: 199   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 92   (More...)
Favourite of: 12 members
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Planes of Eldlor is a full-colour, high fantasy webcomic, which updates every Monday.

In the world of Eldlor, humans, dwarves and elves govern the lands, but all defer to the mighty dragons, charged with preserving the balance of life in the world. Kingdoms lay between vast expanses of lawless wilderness, clerics and paladins beseech their gods for power, rare magicians wield the untamed magic of the land itself.

Few but the dragons can appreciate how tenuous the balance truly is, as creatures of the outer planes relentlessly test their might against the barriers holding them from the precious resources of Eldlor. The last rift was destroyed nearly 800 years ago, ending the Battle of Echaeras and resulting in the devastation of an entire culture.

Now, a new, dormant rift has appeared in the remote northern forest of Nath Lagir, discovered by chance. It is left to the dragons to discover all they can about this new gate, and find a way to keep it from opening before the land descends into chaos once more.

Current synopsis by: APOKOLYPES
Current image by: inthebelfry

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