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Redwood and Friends

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Genre: Weird
Date Added: 6 May 2010
Last Update: 19 July 2010
Current Comic Ranking: 5037/26237
Views This Month: 2   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 70   (More...)
Favourite of: 0 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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Hey there friends and fans, I am Carl Davis Co-Creator of “Redwood and Friends” and founder of Infinity Komix Studios.

I am currently located in Portsmouth Virginia with my wife, and proudly serve in the “World’s Finest Navy”. I have always enjoyed comics and drawing even at the young age of three and four I drew pictures of Superman. And if you speak to my mother wore a towel around my neck until my Grandmother made me a red cape, which I wore until I was ten, but I digress. Here on our site we will showcase our comic strip Redwood and Friends and other creations of our’s for all to enjoy.

When we were young we spent our days drawing comics and and hanging out and getting into what ever mischief we could find. I joined the Navy at 19, and well needless to say Jason and I lost touch.

The story of Redwood goes back into my friend Jason’s youth when he created him you can read more about that on his page about JasonX, up in the menu bar. The Strip even saw print for a few months in a local newspaper in Sikeston Missouri for a while.

Recently, while on leave from the military, I ran into Jason’s sister who gave me his number and lo and behold Redwood was reborn new and improved in the digital age.

Jason and I come up with the story ideas and he draws out the pencils of the comics that are magically sent to me over the internet. I then take them and digitally ink, color, and letter them in my studio located in Virginia where I live. And “WA LA” you get to enjoy our efforts for free at home on your computer screen. We hope you enjoy them half as much as we do making them. Feel free to leave a comment or critique on the site and let us know what you think.

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