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Elnifi Chronicles
The Elnifi Chronicles are about a race of demi-humans known as the Elnefi. Sharing animal characteristics, there are many variations from one individual to another. Some have wings, some, tails and animal ears. Their world is a chaotic land where monsters of all sorts inhabit the wilderness preying on any Elnefi that they can.
Fortunately, the Elnefi are protected by the Elnifi (note the ìeî has been changed to an ìiî) who are trained from a young age as warriors and mages. Denoted by their armbands, they are the strongest of their race. They are trained in large academies and at the age of 18 are paired with another in a holy ceremony before being sent in to the world to defend their people from the threat that exist on all sides.
The main character is Shaitan, a 17 year old warrior, who is about to pulled into the limelight as a traitor appears within their ranks and begins attacking his schoolmates. Will he be able to protect himself and his friends, find the traitor, and fall in love, all while still trying to graduate?
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