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Teacher, Teacher!
Teacher, Teacher! takes place in a sort of Alternate-Universe Seattle, at the fictional Adam West High School. It\'s the average high school, packed full of jocks, nerds, sluts, and, of course, that one male teacher for whom all the students have a massive erection. In this case, that teacher is the extremely nerdy Eliott Maclean, a.k.a. \"That Really Cute English Teacher\". He has all the girls swooning, and all the boys either jealous or questioning themselves.
Yes, Eliott Maclean is quite the stud and he knows it. If he was a different man, he would likely consider taking advantage of the fact that all the girls want him to bend them over their desks; he is, after all, a lonely single man living with his creepy roommate/best friend in a painfully cramped fourplex. He\'s been working in the same shitty school district since he finished university - and for God\'s sake, he spends all his free time with a cat named Petruchio! He could stand to have a little variety in his life.
But Eliott Maclean isn\'t that kind of man.
However, when he decides to ignore his gut instinct and pursue a relationship with one of his students, hilarity and drama ensue - but you\'re just going to have to read about all that, now, aren\'t you?
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