Home » Comic Profiles » it's all Down..
it's all Downhill
Genre: Workplace
Date Added: 23 January 2011
Last Update: 9 March 2011 URL: itsalldownhill.netthrilldesigns.com...
Current Comic Ranking: 3736/26237
Views This Month: 28 (More...)
Average Views a Month: 65 (More...)
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This is a webcomic that I created surrounding the lives of several characters living in the city of Downhill. The whole point of this webcomic was to create a gag a day strip and have it relate to current comic, movies and game topics as well as popular topics on the internet. The characters are Mulligan who is a Scottish man with a huge afro and has no job, no home and so he is forced to live with his friend Tom, but he is very funny and does what he can to get around. Tom on the other hand is very diiferent he was once a Miami cop who got screwed over by his partner and left for dead in a burning boathouse but managed to escape and swim all the way to the city of Downhill. Thats where he started his new life and got a job working as a bus driver and where he met Mulligan. Throughout the webcomic you will encounter new characters and villians who will become the populace of Downhill
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