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Project G.O.L.E.M.
There are five Leera breeds. The Leera were created to act as Scouts in the Northern Alliance’s battle against the Southern Empire.
On the brink of nuclear war, both sides were so equally matched that neither side gained or lost any ground. In a last attempt to win the war and unify the planet, the N.A. initiated Project GOLEM, or ‘Genetically Original Life through Experimental Manipulation’.
The ultimate goal of this secret underground program was to create a fighting force that was superior enough to defeat the S.E. The first products of this effort were the Golems, several versions of robotic canine like creatures.
They were used for three years in the war effort until the S.E. began capturing and reverse engineering them to create a similar force of their own. In retaliation, two new races were created, the Leera and the Serlupe. The Leera were intended as scouts and the Serlupe as foot soldiers that would be implanted with a human consciousness to prevent them being captured and ‘tamed’ by the other side.
However, the scientists did not anticipate that the creatures they created would have their own original personalities and consciousness, and the first few attempts to transfer the human consciousness resulted in death for both specimen and human, or, in rare cases, a dual consciousness with two separate creatures trapped irreversibly in the same body. Eventually the process was perfected and human minds were successfully transferred into the other body without side effects. . .
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