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Henchmen for Hire
When I read superhero comics when I was a kid, I would sometimes wonder about the guys who were helping out the super-villains. Why would anybody work for the villains, who ALWAYS ended up getting beaten senseless by the heroes? Anyone who wanted to be a henchman would have to be crazy.
I recently reconsidered the idea and wondered if henchmen might be like those people we all know who are plugging away at a less than ideal job because they need the work. Maybe super-villain henchmen are just regular folks who are stuck in a job working for the ultimate ‘bad boss.’
You can read along and decide for yourself…..
Henchmen for Hire (www.henchmenonline.com) is an ongoing webcomic series by Jeff Langcaon.
Current synopsis by: dancingpencil Current image by: dancingpencil
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Ray23 |
Art, font, and dialogue remind me of comics from the early 90s (which I love). The writing doesn\'t take its self too seriously, similar to Savage Dragon. Fun read, easy to follow.
Basesg.com |
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