Home » Comic Profiles » Phobonomicon
Our protagonist, Koto *********, finds herself thrashing back and forth between the horrors of retail and the indescribably weird exploits of a secret cult of computer hackers and bondage fetishists. As a bored woman in her early twenties, Koto mistakenly tried to attain the Phobonomicon- the answer to all questions (as well as *******). This attempt caused one event which caused another event which put her on the RIAA’s most wanted list. Feeling pity for the ignorance of her actions, the cult took her in to their witness protection program and ******** *****— in exchange for her assistance in their future endeavors. Working by day as the manager of a GameSlut® and fending off strange and akward situations during the night, will Koto ever find the peace (or something along those lines) that she desires?
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