Home » Comic Profiles » Body and Soul..
Body and Soul - Missing
Our hearts beat, but what is the power that fuels us. A spark ignites every living thing, when that energy dies so do we. Our solar system is a living organism, the sun it’s heart the planets are it’s organs. Like any birth there could be deformities and abnormalities that feed off of it till there is nothing left. There is a war that is to take place within this solar system. Both sides will have their warriors, one side to restore and the other to destroy.
A young girl who is coming to terms with a terminal disease finds her self caught in the middle of this war. Kidnapped by a twisted group of bottom feeders looking for human sacrifices. They worship the disease that is eating away at the reproductive core of our solar system Planet Earth. She is brought back from the dead to fight this evil.
The story takes place in East Europe, and has a darK moody feeling...Aliens crossed with Hellboy and Spidermans child.
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