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Thinking Ape Blues
think·ing ape blues \'think-'ing-âp-'-blüz\ n
1: a crippling affliction effecting the human condition in which man (homo sapien) feels trapped between primal urges and civilized manner, and/or primitive rage against a reality he can't understand and a placating logical outlook that tries to make sense of all the bullshit, religion, philisophical authority, dogmatic dick-heads and socially retarded jerk-offs constantly raining a shit-storm down on his beer-soaked mind
2: a self syndicated weekly comic strip by Mark Poutenis, featuring the three Bros. Progress; Abe (the oldest brother, simian), Ben (the middle brother, sapien) and Carl (the youngest, robotic) in a time and place familiar, yet as foreign as Mars. Currently runs in The Boston Weekly Dig, The Hartford Advocate, The New Haven Advocate, The Valley Advocate, The Fairfield County Weekly and the New York Waste. Contains no redeemable social or nutritional value whatsoever.
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