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Dr. X
Dr. X is an alien philosopher, scientist, and psychologist. Born and raised on Planet X, he was a science-loving kid who grew fascinated by a distant planet called Earth. After high school, he flew all the way to Earth where he received his higher education and subsequently earned his degrees in a variety of disciplines. His professional jobs on Earth include scientific research and teaching, space exploration, and general counseling. In particular, his rather unconventional counseling philosophy is known to be effective in many cases. He lives in his own spacecraft called xPOD, together with his assistant Mulpy, an alien dog. They reside in the city of Las Aliens, where humans and aliens (and even animals) get along peacefully. The episodes of “Dr. X” reflect the various facets of his life on Earth as well as the world he sees through his own alien eyes.
Current synopsis by: drxtoon Current image by: drxtoon
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