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An Oddity A Day
Have you ever wondered where vampires go if they get sick? Have you ever pondered where a werewolf goes if it has a heart attack? For Kiya, these questions had never crossed her mind. Life was dull, boring, and depressing. Now due to rather unfortunate and mysterious circumstances, Kiya finds herself in the care of a doctor after being badly injured. Calling himself Dr. Odd, she soon realizes that this is not a normal doctor and that she is not staying at a normal clinic. Named, The Lion\'s Paw, it is a clinic for the strange and the weird, a place where magic and science collide to heal the sick and wounded. Now not only must she deal with this strange new world, but she must also deal with the odd people in it.
Halo, the shape-shifting nurse.
Dale, the vampiric intern.
Zeus the Third, the god-like medical student.
Nox, the shadow paramedic.
Hex, the genius mechanic.
Christine Le Fay, the pharmaceutical witch.
Amasis, the undead patient.
And Dr. Odd, the mysterious doctor.
With flesh eating viruses, magical potions, and undead zombies, has Kiya\'s life become better or worse?
With something odd happening every day, it will be hard to tell what is normal.
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