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Weapon Brown: Blockhead\'s War
The current project I am pouring my heart into is the continuation of the Weapon Brown saga, begun in the pages of the Deep Fried comic book. Weapon Brown: Blockhead\'s War is intended to premier sometime in 2008.
Weapon Brown is a post-apocalyptic parody of Charlie Brown, first serialized in Deep Fried and then collected into it\'s own stand alone volume. The original arc, A Peanut Scorned, tracked Chuck \"Weapon\" Brown and his dog Snoop as they crossed the ravaged landscape of post-World War IV earth looking for Chuck\'s kidnapped girlfriend. Along the way he encounters gritty adult versions of the entire Peanuts cast. At story\'s end, Weapon Brown and Snoop are on the road again, heading for parts unknown.
In Blockhead\'s War we pick up where A Peanut Scorned left off. Weapon Brown has returned to bounty hunting and scrapes out a living earning the only things of value his world has to offer: electricity and famine rations. When his latest quarry turns out to be carrying something valuable, something that could save what\'s left of humanity from extinction, Chuck ultimately finds himself throwing in his lot with a tribe of refugees that guard a secret coveted by his creators, the evil Syndicate. To claim it for themselves the Syndicate will unleash hell on earth, including a vicious new model of super soldier named CALv1N who wants to claim the title of the future\'s biggest badass for himself.
Having exhausted all the possibilities of spoofing the inhabitants of the Peanuts comic strip, Blockhead\'s War pits Weapon Brown against parody versions of dozens of other comic strip stars, from Annie to Ziggy. New heights of infamy never before thought possible will be reached as one comic strip after another is mutated through the radiation of my my merciless wit. Only in Blockhead\'s War can you discover what hell Armageddon will wreck upon Dilbert, Cathy, Garfield and so many others!
Current synopsis by: demonluo
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