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Genre: Sci-Fi Date Added: 17 April 2014 Last Update: 27 October 2015 Archive Current Comic Ranking: 297/26237 Views This Month: 328 (More...) Average Views a Month: 273 (More...) Favourite of:6 members Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)
Set in a post apocalyptic world where a sentient nanovirus roams the surface. The remnants of mankind live aboard airships and in giant walking machines called NOMADs.
We follow the crews of these NOMADs as they fight to survive and thrive in a world fraught with megafauna and piracy. Whether its reuniting with lost loved ones or repairing the human civilization, each crew finds its own reason to fight on.
Along the way the crew also finds relics from the pre-apocalyptic world in the form of books and video games. These are crucial to morale and help to pass the time on their endless exodus.
Though it ostensibly start off as a video game comic, it quickly becomes clear that Porter Ghost knows no bounds. There are robot butlers, high-altitude dogfights, and many mysteries to reveal.
Explosions! Fart jokes! Even explosive fart jokes! Plus lots of post-apocalyptic life lessons that will have you laughing, crying, and learning a thing or two about the true meaning of stuff.
So why are you still reading my comment, when you could be reading Porter Ghost? Go do it! Now!