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Valorous Tales
The main antagonist is a witch (Or rather Samwitch, as they are known as in this universe) named Cursula, who is trying to resurrect the Demon King of Partying. If he is resurrected, he will make the world’s inhabitants party until they drop dead. The only ones who can stop her plan are the unlikely companions, Ileena the Samwitch, and Yu Doo, the adventurer. Unfortunate events brought them together, and now they must overcome their differences to put an end to Cursula’s wicked plot. Valorous Tales does not take itself seriously, and is mostly a light-hearted tale meant to make fun of the standard “Stop villain from doing something bad” plot. It is called Valorous Tales, because the chapters (while all important to the overall plot) are mostly self-contained stories meant to expand on the universe that the characters live in. This will make the comic more easily accessible to new readers, as well as make it refreshing to current readers.
Current synopsis by: Viruul Current image by: Viruul
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