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Jennis Gang

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Genre: Furry
Date Added: 11 September 2014
Last Update: 23 September 2015
Current Comic Ranking: 2661/26237
Views This Month: 3   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 95   (More...)
Favourite of: 2 members
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Jennis Gang is an upcoming rock and roll band from the Mammailan Republic.

Led by Jennis Lynn, the band focuses mostly on rock, but can delve into blues, red dirt, and metal. Along with Amber \"AC\" Gibson providing the vocals and guitar, the two travel from venue to venue bringing a new brand of soul to the world.

The duo comes from the town of Cotton Creek, southeast of the capital California. The town\'s known for their farmlands, especially of the exotic plant Cotton, unable to grow in most of the world.

Jennis is most known for her fashion sense along with her masculine eyebrows, which she\'s very sensitive towards. AC is best known for her tenacity and for believing she\'s a guy for some reason.

After a few years of playing local the band heads to California to try to make a name for themselves in the big city, and hopefully all over the country.

When an invasion strikes, something happens that changes their plans forever...

Current synopsis by: The T.C.
Current image by: The T.C.

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