YourWebcomicIsBad |
I only keep this in my favorates to follow Super Effective. VG Cats itself is lame and barely updates anymore. |
Axel-Comics |
I used to like this comic years ago but reading it now I can\'t help but think his jokes are average at best and childish at worst. And the lack of updates...dear god, the lack of updates! I also find it rather annoying that he can\'t make the time to update regularly for his fans and yet he expects them to buy volumes of VG Cats and Super Effective for extorsionist prices. 1 star just cos the artwork\'s good. |
Venusfly9108 |
Update: I remembered one comic that I thought was funny. I think it was the one based off of Animal Crossing where Leo gets his leg smacked by that raccoon, which I\'m not bothering to look up. Rating: 1 star. Okay, that\'s all. |
Lordyv23 |
What an adventure of two cute cats. Actually I like cats very much. I am fascinated by cats specially on comic characters. The concept of the story makes the story so interesting.
Venusfly9108 |
Man, this comic hardly updates at all... but oh well, I stopped caring about it once I graduated from high school three years ago. I heard rumors that three of these comics are funny, but I\'m not digging through those 300 comics. I have better things to do anyways. |
SpiritRadio |
EXCEPT HE DOESN\'T FUCKING UPDATE!!! GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! !!!! IT\'S BEEN A FUCKING MONTH!!!!! I love this comic, but Scott needs to fucking update once in a blue fucking moon at least. |
SpiritRadio |
EXCEPT HE DOESN\'T FUCKING UPDATE!!! GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! !!!! IT\'S BEEN A FUCKING MONTH!!!!! I love this comic, but Scott needs to fucking update once in a blue fucking moon at least. |
SpiritRadio |
Absolutely hilarious to anyone who gets the referances. If you arent a goddam anthrophobe and love video games, i would definately reccomend it. Also check out double helix\'s \"Decline of video gaming.\" |
BDahlia |
Twisted, funny, with the tangy zip of Miracle Whip...just like a sandwich should be.
What was I commenting on, again? |
DeathbyChiasmus |
obnoxious. tasteless. hyperactive.
and extremely funny.
some of the gags won't make you laugh so much as cringe (MGS3's Snake with a bad case of crotch leeches comes readily to mind), but VG Cats has solid artwork that's only improved from the start, and the outrageous humor will make you laugh out loud just as often as it offends--if not more often. one of my favorite things about the strip is the phenomenally weird cast of supporting characters. |
arandomfoxinthegrass |
I started reading this comic when it irst came out. I loved it then, I love it even more now. The updating gets a little anoying, but i can live with that. |
prahanormal |
one of the first webcomics i got into.
verry funny indeed |
Falken |
I read through plenty of the strips, I'm not one to judge something like that. I read through over 150 strips. Out of those, a grand, incredible total of 3 were funny. 3. Magic number it may be, but that doesn't make the other 147 strips of pure turgid SHITE worth reading. |
Falken |
Wow. A calm collected analysis of it by myself predisposed to belittle this repugnatly bad webcomic, and what do I get to counter it?
A rabid fanboy whose vocabulary seems entirely composed of words found in no english dictionary.
Its not 'some' of the strips that suck, every webcomic has those. Its an overwhelming majority, in the region of 95% or more, that are absolutely incredibly bad. I understand all the jokes attempted within the strips but the delivery, timing, even the base observation is entirely humourless. |
Falken |
A Horrible, horrible comic.
I read through over a hundred strips in a fit of boredom. I found exactly 3 even mildly amusing.
Applegeeks, Chugworth Academy, CAD, Megatokyo (Yes, even now) and Sorethumbs even, all completely outclass this comic in every way. They have better quality art, charactes, humour, everything. Even the majority of their websites layouts are better.
Horribly unfunny comic, that relies on poorly executed 'flavour of the week' humour to succeed. Never before have I witnessed such a hideously unfunny FFVII 'Aeris + Pheonix down' joke. Never before have I plunged on through a comic archive, hoping against all obstacles that I might find soemthing worth chuckling over, only to be sorely dissapointed.
VG cats is not funny. VG cats is not well drawn. VG cats is not. a. good. webcomic. |
jackmcslay |
oh great another gaming comic that's made to be funny... except it's not... |
R23 |
I like it ^^
the art style is really cute and expressive too |
CK01 |
One of the webcomics at the top of my watch list. Bit cruder than say Penny Arcade even, but great style and writing. |
Traitorfish |
Absolutely brilliant. Original style, too. |
smileyfaceman |
Wicked video game humor mixed with a unique art style makes this one of the best of the best.
Always funny. In some sick way it is always funny. |
rhathar |
This comic is the most hilarious thing I've read in a LONG time. The week-long updates are well worth the wait =) |