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Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 2 May 2015
Last Update: 25 December 2016
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 209/26237
Views This Month: 1003   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 417   (More...)
Favourite of: 1 members
Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)

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Kikonrar follows a group of teens in a hyper-technological world that has shunned magic due to its role in the destruction of ancient civilizations. The group uses relics of this civilization to battle drones, robots, monsters and whatever else gets in their way. The relics (Kikonrar) manifest magical powers based upon either who the user is at the core of their being or based upon what their greatest desire is. Which selection method is determined by how the Kikonrar is used (Worn vs Wielded). In their country, magic use is punishable by immediate execution thus placing them in constant danger.

Current synopsis by: SFShinigami
Current image by: SFShinigami

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The author here. I just wanted to ask anyone who checks out Kikonrar to bear with my artistic skills. Prior to this project I had not drawn anything other than a basic straight-standing figures for close to 20 years (man I feel old T_T). I\'m also colorblind so I apologize for any skewing of the spectrum in my color selection. I could have done this project using another medium but I felt the story fit the webcomic style better and I do not want the story to suffer because of this. So I hope you enjoy! At the time of writing this I\'m publishing every Friday!

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