Home » Comic Profiles » Markis
Markis, a 22 year old convicted Oti'qkhit, is launched helplessly towards Earth after miraculously surviving an explosion from an intergalactic space penitentiary. Upon arriving in Kerrville, Texas, he meets a disturbed human named Buddy who has an extreme fear of wolves. However when the two end up together as partners, things begin to take a turn for the worse. Not only is there a relentless bounty hunter looking for collection of the convict, but something darker is approaching... and it's coming for vengeance.
This sci-fi fantasy drama will show how a simple change in perspective, can cause everything to fall apart.
Featuring completely digitally drawn pages with high quality coloring and cartoon styled art.
Comic updates every Tuesday and Friday! (I'm trying out a semi-weekly schedule.)
Current synopsis by: ZachSeligson Current image by: ZachSeligson
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