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Flesh Machine

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Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 1 July 2016
Last Update: 1 July 2016
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 6486/26237
Views This Month: 1   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 58   (More...)
Favourite of: 0 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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Lucy Olmos is stuck on Cairn, the dead-end space-port planet where she was born, but her youth and dreams of being a pilot don't fit well with Cairn's dull predictability. So when an intriguing soldier in the Interplanetary Watch crash-lands on Cairn, Lucy fixes his ship and asks to join him in the war against the guerrilla army. At the Watch training outpost, she faces strenuous physical tests during the day and emotional challenges at night. But Lucy doesn't realize what it will cost to be a soldier... or whose side she should be fighting on.

Flesh Machine is the first graphic novel by Michael Avolio, a former theater artist who's re-dedicated himself to his first love: comics. In Flesh Machine, Avolio blends science fiction adventure with a war story and love story, all told in a distinctive visual style influenced by classic and modern masters of indie cartooning.

"The art in Flesh Machine is deceptively simple, with a hint of Mike Mignola influence, but this comic is one cool science fiction story for older readers. Once you start reading Flesh Machine, it is easy to get warped right into this mysterious and provocative universe."
– Farel Dalrymple, writer/cartoonist of Pop Gun War and the New York Times bestseller The Wrenchies

Flesh Machine updates with new pages every Tuesday.

Current synopsis by: michaelavolio
Current image by: michaelavolio

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Flesh Machine is now updating once a month. This site still doesn\'t crawl the comic\'s page for updates, but the comic has been updated regularly since it began in Nov 2015.

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