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The Legend of Gareus
Think of David Brent in fantasy, Don Quixote with dragons, Basil Fawlty with armor, Jessie the Body Ventura without the skill (or the body)... and you get: Gareus!
A man of little skill, knowledge, wisdom, or courage, he nevertheless proclaims his prowess across the land of Fintrasia leaving a swath of disgruntled and bewildered citizenry behind.
Whilst Gareus may be completely oblivious to his blowhardiness, a legend in his own mind, there are real dangers lurking in the world and when he stumbles across them he is often saved by his loyal (and insane) follower Dave. Dave worships the ground Gareus walks on even more than Gareus himself - which is quite a feat - but he is a true believer in his hero, the man, the myth: The Legend of Gareus.
Oh and there is some worship of Eels and a fascination with wicker baskets (that may or may not be sexual in nature) but we will get to all that in good time...
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