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Wal, The
Picture a department store, any one of them big ones (but pretty much one that rhymes with Mal-Wart). However instead of just being a store, it\'s the whole world: The Wal. In The Wal, departments aren\'t just departments, they\'re states and cities. Its inhabitants, Walites, exist to serve the plenitude of visitors to The Wal, Customers, who are usually lost, generic folk questing for merchandise.
Our stories focus on one of The Wal\'s cities: Electropolis, the mighty Capital of this world. Electropolites are few, but what they lack in numbers they more than make up for in might. Electropolis\' Senior Staff comprises a few powerful heroes who defend their fair city against angry Customers, and anyone from neighboring cities who would threaten to invade.
IMPORTANT: kept our promise for 2009 and updated for the first time in three years!!! Stay tuned for more :)
Current synopsis by: rezamon Current image by: rezamon
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smileyfaceman |
Probably the most innovative concept for a web comic out there today. Just needs to update regularly and it'd be up on the top. |
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