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Accidental Centaurs

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Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 18 May 2005
Last Update: 4 June 2012
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 672/26237
Views This Month: 1415   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 169   (More...)
Favourite of: 69 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

People who like this comic also like: Earthsong, El Goonish Shive, Clan of the Cats, Sequential Art, Sidekick Girl
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Alex and Samantha were scientists, attempting to develop a matter transportation system. However, one day a highly energetic component of their prototype exploded, opening a gate between Earth and a strange, otherworldly dimension, which Alex came to call "otherSpace", where the rules that we take for granted do not apply.

For starters, they found themselves transformed from human beings into creatures that resembled the centaurs of classical Greek mythology. There were other changes, too, which they'll find out along thee way.

Their arrival attracted the attention of the W!rxn, a race of powerful etherial beings, who saw Alex and Sam as the fulfillment of an eon-old prophecy. To aid them in their travels in search of information that will help them fulfill their destiny, the W!rxn gave Sam a ring that contained a djinn, inexplicably named Lenny. Lenny was to act a guide and guardian for the centaurs' quest.

Current synopsis by: NotDeadMeat

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