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SB, The
An evil force has taking over the gaming worlds (like most games have as there story line.) And only 2 can stop it, yet another 3 tag along anyway, They are Sonic, Mario, Tails, Pete and Ruldoph.
Sonic the hedgehog is the fasted hedgehog in the world and is specially chosen by The SB to fight against the evil. He is naive and can relate easily to Ruldoph. He only does what he believes is right and always looking out for his little buddy Tails (who really does do most the looking out.) Hes all action and is a great rival to Mario as they always try to best each other.
Mario is the most famous plumber in the world, hes always either saving the Peach, racing karts or playing tennis and golf. His trademark is his red hat. He can somehow make fireballs with his bare hands. Most people see Mario as the bossy, jackass off the group who is always complaining. He has grew even more bitter after the death of his brother and his best friends voice box being ripped out. Mario will do anything to best Sonic and may never get use to him.
Tails followed Sonic on his way to save the gaming worlds to make sure his friend is ok. He can and will do anything for Sonic even though he may not always agree. He has the ability to fly. Sadly everyone thinks of Tails as the weakling of them, even Pete.
Pete is a kid goomba who spends his time hanging out with his mum and dad. His journey begins when Zero steps on his Dad and he is lead to believe it was Mario. After getting trapped in his hat he figures things out and decides to help out Mario in his quest, and get revenge on Zero.
Ruldoph Cloud was made the leader of the group by luck, even though he never wanted to be. He made his way in to the gaming worlds using the Webmonkey's invention. Ruldoph got stuck in the ff7 world and somehow was made the main character but Changed his name to Cloud Strife because he thought it sounded cool. Ruldoph is very laid back and lets his team get away with many things. But some times he can go over the top.
So thats about it, its just another sprite comic.
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