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Asylum Heights

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Genre: Quirky
Date Added: 9 June 2005
Last Update: 23 November 2012
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 232/26237
Views This Month: 57   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 383   (More...)
Favourite of: 10 members
Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)

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What makes a building? Is it brick and mortar, the architecture, the spirit it embodies, the people who dwell within its walls, or the trans dimensional nexus in the basement? Four years ago Rick Nixon became the smartest human to ever exist... until it shattered his mind. Now a deranged, drug addled lunatic he lives exclusively as his licensed super hero identity \'The AnarchyMan\' simply to avoid jail time. The only remains of his work being the robotized corpse of his dead roommate, and the mystery of The Machine that now lies in the heart of Asylum Heights. A mystery that can only be solved by turning it on. Now Michelle, Stephanie, Steve and Dwain are about to learn about their roommates past and be thrust into a dangerous game beyond their control. Asylum Heights is a quixotic tale that spans two dimensions, four planets, a thousand light years and a billion years of history, all without a clean change of socks.

Current synopsis by: dave the cat
Current image by: dave the cat

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