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Zee 3 dragons
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Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 18 September 2005
Last Update: 18 September 2005 URL: www.google.com
Current Comic Ranking: 21839/26237
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dragon x
chapter 1
It all began when 3 people went to a underground cave one was a women called Rouge and two men Leo and Lee they were looking for a 1/3 rock what is said to give unlimited powers. They saw a glowing light they went to see what it was .Rouge Leo and Lee put there hands on the rock they felt a source of energy going down there body but nothing happened to them so they went out of the cave. They seen everyone crowed up they went to see what happened .
Dragon x chapter 2
A girl was hold hostage by a man with gun he said 'step back or the girl gets it' .Rouge said 'we have to stop him' but they could not do anything Leo said 'remember in the cave that must have gave us powers rouge focus on the gun. Coming to your hand and the gun vanished from the man and come in to rouges hand and Lee said ‘remember the stone must have gave us powers’ after a while they all found out there powers and was fighting for good but after a while.
Dragon x chapter 3
Lee chose the path of evil he was unstoppable. Leo and Rouge could not do anything so they searched for the second part of the stone so they can get power to stop Lee they searched for it and they found it they got the power. And went to find him they told him to give up but he said not with out a fight so Leo said ’that’s how you want to play then lets play’ .A energy ball come out of Leos hand .He shot it out Lee and then Lee’s body was flying.
Dragon x chapter 4
Fire balls come out of his body. The fire balls hit Leo and Rouge .They both were still no match but they new they had to lock him some how. If they couldn’t fight him they both ran as fast a possible. Rouge said ‘we need the last rock and we are invincible like Lee .So they searched for it and they founds it. In a old dusty ruin the walls were all gold and the floor was made from silver. Leo said ‘it looks like a old ruin ruled by a royal family’ .
Dragon x chapter 5
They felt the power of the 3rd rock they picked it up they felt a gigantic power. They combined powers to fight Lee they were going to fight him then they combined there powers. And a dragon made from fire come out of there hands. Then Lee put his hands together a dragon made of dark energy come out the dragons were fighting. Rouge and Leos dragon killed Lees dragon so the evil come out of Lee they used there powers to seal there powers after.
Chapter 6
And all there powers were sealed. Suddenly Lee hit Rouge and Leo with dark energy and no one could stop him now.
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zonarius |
Someone has suggested this comic twice in the last day and both URL's are wrong.
see also "dragon x" |
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