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Lycans: The Blooded

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Genre: Mature
Date Added: 25 September 2005
Last Update: 28 October 2005
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 16677/26237
Views This Month: 18   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 30   (More...)
Favourite of: 1 members
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Lycans: The Blooded is a tale of a violent city where the freaks are as common as they are brutal. LTB follows multiple stories, the central of which is Jeremy's. A tougher-than-nails modern werewolf who goes on a rampage of vengeance when he escapes his birth place, due to RYAN setting it aflame. He stumbles upon Clerise after the moon wanes, and being the lonely girl she is, Clerise takes Jeremy in as a pet. Geneva and Varie watch from seperate rooftops, one an angel and another a devil.

Vort watches the security tapes in a long abandoned police station in the city, his empty robotic eyes takin in the havoc they all create. It's all just a game of chess, he thinks. But no one will ever know that. No one but the stars.

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