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Creature, Keeper of the Vortron: Dimension Gateway

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Genre: Furry
Date Added: 16 August 2004
Last Update: 7 March 2022
Current Comic Ranking: 12604/26237
Views This Month: 43   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 35   (More...)
Favourite of: 11 members
Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)

People who like this comic also like: Carried by the Wind
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Creature is a lizard/dog/goat beast and Splash is his companion, a winged unicorn, and they are both stuck in a gateway called the Vortron that can lead people from time, dimensions and worlds. They're purpose is to guard it, but they aren't exactly certain why they were chosen. Because just sitting in the Vortron isn't all that much fun and excitement, they have made it their quest to find out why they are there and what exactly they can do.

As this story is told after it had happened, we are also following the story teller named Magic who is describing the events to a youth named Snow, who are now currently guarding the Vortron.

And things just get more and more complex from there.

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