Home » Comic Profiles » Planet Zebeth
Planet Zebeth
Imagine, if you will, a strange, mutated, Metroid/Pokemon hybrid got bored one day. Imagine that he decided to create an exact duplicate of Planet Zebes on a 33.6k modem, and then transport every living being on the original planet to his copy planet, including Samus Aran and the monsters Kraid, Ridley, and Mother Brain. Now imagine that Kraid decides to quit his job as evil Space Pirate and join Samus on her quest to defeat Mother Brain, and Ridley decides to open a bar. Finally, imagine that an insane Steve Irwin wannabe somehow makes it onto this planet. Take all that, squish it with a hammer, and you should have a vague idea of what this comic is about. Planet Zebeth. It's Metroid...with a Twist.
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