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Guests in Purgatory
Guests in Purgatory is a story about two boys that die not according to their scheduled life lines. This confusing mishap leaves them living together in purgatory where their feelings of anger, sadness, happiness, and love coincide.
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murkgard |
@adamclow309 all i could find was:
Creator: Oribe | Webmaster: Nick
And a old twitter @gipcomic
PS: i was previous \"vfgds\" but lost the login.
PPS: A view images can be found in archive.org, but its like 2,30,42, ... (Just like wen i said it seems dead.) |
adamclow309 |
Can anyone remember the author\'s/creator\'s name? I would really like to reach out to them, or just be able to credit their work.
I\'ve always looked back on this comic and remembered it fondly. I wish it had continued...or at least got archived somewhere. All I have left are fading memories.
Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you. |
vfgds |
Web-Site seems to be dead. |
KnittingGirl |
If only there where more of it I would keep it on my list. |
KnittingGirl |
Ya no updates in years not even to say they are quitting. I hate people that do that. |
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