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Architect, The

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Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 5 May 2006
Last Update: 5 May 2006
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 20154/26237
Views This Month: 8   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 28   (More...)
Favourite of: 7 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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The Architect by Mike Baron, and Andie Tong, a horror story of betrayal and revenge based loosely on the life and work of architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Gil Hopper, adopted as a baby, discovers he is the heir to the famous Roark Dexter Smith, and inherits Bluff House, a
secluded mansion which a mysterious fire killed Smith, his wife, and
Smith's assistant. But there are dark secrets involving Gil's heritage,
which may prove fatal to him and his friends as they work to restore the
half-ruined Smith masterpiece. The story will run 70 pages when completed.

The comic will update every Wednesday

Current synopsis by: ekogan
Current image by: ekogan

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The below opinions reflect the views of the users of this site and are not in any way the views of The Webcomic List.

Myk Streja 1/5
This is a 20-page sample of a book available for purchase. Well done comic but I don\'t feel that it really qualifies as a webcomic and shouldn\'t be on this list. Normally I would rate this 4-Stars but there is only a very small short notice in italics at the very bottom of the webpage that simply states that this is a sample. Had it been made clear I wouldn\'t have wasted my time reading this.

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