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Nine, The
Imagine this: Tomorrow, when you wake up, you are immortal. Not only immortal, but invulnerable. You will never age, you will never get sick, you will never suffer physical harm of any kind, and you will never die. And you have no idea why. Changes things a bit, doesn't it?
So now the question is - what do you do? Remember, this is still you we're talking about - with your same family, same friends, same responsibilities, same problems, same life - what do you do? The answer: Whatever you have to.
Because as far as you know, you are alone. The only one of your kind. No one else can help you or come close to understanding you. If you felt like an outcast before, you truly are one now. And it will be that way forever. No way out, no way back. Only forward remains. For you, there is always the next day to face. And the next. And the next. And the next. And the next...
And somewhere there are two men you have never met watching you. Judging you. Debating you. Believing somehow that within you is the answer to whether humans beings will ever be worth a damn or not. And they don't care what you do. They just want to be there when it happens.
So go ahead - dress in black leather and act like a super-hero. Train yourself in swordplay and take revenge on all who once hurt you. Turn your inner demons outward. Or don't. Just go slowly and quietly crazy. Shut yourself in for all eternity. Wander the earth like a pariah. Help people. Kill people. No one can stop you. Do whatever you want. After all, these people walking around today are only flesh and blood. Mortal. Wisps of existence. They will all die. All of them.
You're the only one that has to live with yourself.
Current synopsis by: butterfly-dragon
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