Home » Comic Profiles » Randall
“You gotta be kiddin’ me? Again with the Giant Robots and Ninjas?”
What happens when you’re a twelve-year-old superhero who possesses all the powers you can imagine? You stay home and play video games. At least that’s what young Randall would rather be doing. Nevertheless an endless parade of super villains, giant robots, horrible monsters, high flying ninjas and trips to the mall to try on new dress slacks with Mom seem to plague Randall’s daily life and seriously cut into his video game time.
Like everyone else his age, Randall just wants to be a kid. But ever since he was granted these incredible powers of flight, super strength and speed, Randall has been forced to put aside his kid duties of slacking off and watching DVD’s in favor of saving his small town from certain destruction at the hands of unimaginable foes.
Each Day Randall continues to juggle being a kid and the savior of his hometown and each day he wonders why he was given this burden.
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