Home » Comic Profiles » Nile Incarnate
Nile Incarnate
Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 31 October 2004
Last Update: 9 July 2009 URL: nileincarnate.seigun.com
Current Comic Ranking: 16923/26237
Views This Month: 4 (More...)
Average Views a Month: 30 (More...)
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A story of metaphysics, body-switching, disembodied spirits, and sorcery. It features GBLTQ characters, and makes a few slightly religious overtones.
Follow Lee as he attempts to uncover the truth about himself and a mysterious person called Nile. What does Nile have to do with a recent local accident victim who was recently seen with Lee? Who is Lee, and why does his connection with Nile matter enough for him to eventually risk his life in order to get answers? Are Lee and Nile caught in a case of mistaken identity?
With a growing number of people on the lookout for the person accused of various unsolved criminal allegations, Lee is caught between a rock and a hard place. How can he turn in someone who apparently looks like him, and who he only knows by name?
Beyond all of this, there are still more questions that Lee is unable to ask
that reach beyond the scope of everyday appearances. With no one to answer them, Lee may just be out of luck.
That said, the conflict of the story is not what it seems to be, and neither are many of the characters.
Based in the present day, N.I. has a continuous mystery-based plot that takes occasional breaks for silliness on the way.
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