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User Profile For Garayur  
Comments Posted: 6
Favourites: 190
Profile Images Posted: 2
Comic Synopses Posted: 2
Below is a list of comments made by Garayur, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: YOSH! 5/5
A excellent comic. While slow to start, the characters and storyline become very developed and reveal a fascinating world. I highly recommend this comic to anyone.
Comic: Looking for Group 5/5
Awsome comic, just starting but the potential is overwelming. Every comic so far is full of laughs. If you like flaming bunnies, wanton violence in a fantasy setting this is for you.
Comic: General Protection Fault 5/5
One of the Best comics on the web, currently updating mondays, as of 11-22-06, but will return to 7 day soon. Great plot and storyarchs. It is a must read.
Comic: Unshelved 5/5
The is an absolutely hilarious comic, with a slight hint of social responsibility. This to the library what dilbert is to the office. There are fun and interesting characters and no end to the laughs. As a library page myself I highly reccomend this comic.
Comic: Directions of Destiny 5/5
Very interesting. It starts out as simply a school, but later starts introducing interesting fantasy elements. I can not wait to see where the comic is going with this. The Artwork is also very good.
Comic: Shades of Grey 5/5
This is a very interesting comic. It isn't what it seems at first. While origoanlyy it appears to be a simple war between heaven and hell it quikley evolves into something much more complex.

I highly reccomend it.

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