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User Profile For AllHailJaysin  
Me, my life, and my random ideas. They're all just so... out of the ordinary.
Comments Posted: 9
Favourites: 293
Profile Images Posted: 1
Comic Synopses Posted: 1
AIM AllHailJaysin
Below is a list of comments made by AllHailJaysin, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Tuna Carpaccio P.I. 5/5
No problem. You keep making 'em, and I'll keep reading 'em.
Comic: Tuna Carpaccio P.I. 5/5
Beautifully written and illustrated. I've never been so taken by a new comic.
Comic: Bean Men, The 5/5
I love this comic and am disgusted with its unusually low rank (1990/5814). I wish more people could appreciate this brand of senseless, yet humorous, violence.
Comic: Garfield 2/5
Alright, we get it. Garfield's fat, Odie's stupid, and Jon can't get a date. This comic has lost all originality.
Comic: Combustible Orange 5/5
I saw the unusually high number and immediately said, "That can't be right." All I had to see was the first one and I literally laughed my ass off (now my doctor's worried). But seriosuly, I love your comic and am really fond of the rigid cartooning style you use. Keep it up!
Comic: Swearing In Front Of Children 5/5
I love it. It has its own brand of subtle, yet disturbing humor. I suppose it's a buit large, but that certainly doesn't take away from it overall quality.
Comic: P1-Z 5/5
I knew I could count on you, Zenny. Thanks a lot!
Comic: P1-Z 5/5
You're a good man, Zenny. Keep up the good work. Fighting the good fight and all... against ninjas... except for white ninja, he's pretty cool.
Comic: Perry Bible Fellowship  
Haha! This comic is pure gold! I especially love the ones with a cynical twist to them.

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