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User Profile For jkd003  
Comments Posted: 11
Favourites: 149
Profile Images Posted: 2
Comic Synopses Posted: 7
Below is a list of comments made by jkd003, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Nature of Nature's Art 5/5
Difficult to understand at first, but if you can get past the entry effort entry effort you\'ll find something wonderful.
Great comic if you don\'t mind reading!
Comic: Pr0nCrest 1/5
jesus what a nightmare
Comic: Plastic Brick Automaton 5/5
this is amazing
Comic: Noob, The 1/5
a once decent comic has become incredibly dull and boring.
Comic: Aoi House 1/5
incredibly stupid comic that onlu seems to get worse every page.
Comic: Breakfast of the Gods 5/5
brilliant comic.
Comic: Doobl! 5/5
please nobody spoil it. its way better to find out yourself
Comic: Orlando Griffen 2/5
the art is well done, but the story and jokes are mediocer. at least now they are, with practice your art and writing should improve as they do with most webcomics. regardless i think your comic would fair better with a writer on board rather then you all by yourself.
Comic: Bonus Stage 5/5
awsome really funny webtoon
Comic: Our Home Planet 5/5
great comic

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