This is our info page. It is very informatitive!
TGSA is a comic. TGSA mostly exsists for us to have something to do. And as a place where we can throw our random ideas into.
TGSA currently updates on sundays, and possibly on wednesdays.
TGSA is mainly written by Austin Throop, who we also call Mr.Pulsar.
TGSA is mainly drawn by Kimmo Lemetti, who we also call Morr.
The two characters in TGSA are not based on the creators.
Austin is an alien in exile from Alpha Centurai.
Note: This is not the guy who makes Blastwave.
His e-mail is:
Kimmo is some guy from finland.
Here is his homepage.
His e-mail is: A SECRET!
The Luggage Man comics are made by a friend, who we call Homey. |