Comic: Invader zim (epicness) |
Fantastic art, but I think he/she needs a writer. Almost reading for how hot Gaz is. |
Comic: Gravenhurst |
It is quite good to read. |
Comic: Burgundy Comics |
:< |
Comic: Abstract Gender |
The one with the black shirt has HUGE tits. |
Comic: Story of the Pet Elf |
It's the best kind of porn. funny porn. |
Comic: Dinosaur Comics |
Comic: 404 error comic |
I like the intermisions with Pat and Mr Jono too. |
Comic: Stool Sample |
Don't really see why this has been submitted as one comic when it is actually two, but for the little have seen of them they seem worth a look-in. Would have been better if it were one comic and the woerked as a team to fight off evil villians like ¨Mothman¨ or ¨Giantrobotman¨. |
Comic: White Ninja |
I like it how it has obscure hidden meanings. |
Comic: Sinfest |
Nothing special. Some are funny, most arn't. |
Comic: El Goonish Shive |
Transformation guns own! |
Comic: Under Power |
Plenty of spank material, plenty of violence and plenty of funnys. More parody then you can shake a cat at, and the art is some of the best I have ever seen. |
Comic: Girly |
Lesbians, cute fuzzy anamals, slapstick humor...
Could any man born of woman ask for more? |
Comic: Venus Envy |
It makes me feel good when I read it. |
Comic: Kagerou |
It's insane! INSANE I SAY! |
Comic: Zebra Girl |
How can you not fall in love with a depressed striped demon girl, an anthromorphic rabbit, an insanely innocent blonde girl with a werewolf boyfriend, a perverted wizard and a magical talking book? Best of all, the art is fantastic! |
Comic: Charby the Vampirate |
This is just plain great. And it updates every day! Way to go Amy!
Funny, kawaii, grusome and much more! |