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User Profile For ryclaude  
Right now, he's cutting out pictures of a horse covered in tin foil. It's boring, he'll colour my comic later then he'll shower. Then bed. Life is one big exciting rush.
Comics By ryclaude: Reckless Youth
Comments Posted: 17
Favourites: 77
Profile Images Posted: 3
Comic Synopses Posted: 6
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by ryclaude that are currently in use.

Comic: Big Hand Sorta Chick
Shelly Palmer hates aliens ever since a group of them made her left hand enormous and turned her brother into a reptile-man.

Naturally she now spends most of her time going around, punching them in whatever passes for their faces.
Comic: Captain Mushface
Man's body stolen by aliens, brain put into new body minus a head, action and hilarity ensue.
Comic: Hellroy
Big, pink, and angry, the adventures of a genetically engineered freak flung through time on a monkey's vendetta.
Comic: Horribleville
The "Real life" "adventures" of KC "Green"
Comic: Peacekeepers
Some keepers of the peace doing stuff, one of them's real tired of it.
Comic: Road Trip, The
Three oddball british people trying to get home from an america fillen with giant alien lego, mysterious adventurers, rhyming hobos and a possessed truck.

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