Below is a list of comments made by Licantro, in date order (newest at the top).
Comic: Alpha Luna |
You make it sound like I'm charging for viewing the comic when I'm not ;) The comic is totally free, special galleries for donators were made to thank people who come and support the comic. If it's not because of them, there would no be server.
The comic take long to update due my own RL issues, and it has nothing to do with donations. Thanks you for rating my work, take care. |
Comic: Alpha Luna |
This week I've updated the donators Section!
If you have the chance to become a donator, just helping me with any ammount I'll be glad to grant you acces...(paypal button on my web).
This week I've added about 8 new pics including old stuff...sketchs concepts about the comic and I've added 4 concept comics (about 31 pages total) of previous work with Luna as the lead character.
See ya!
Leo |
Comic: Alpha Luna |
Thanks :), I really apreciate it....and I never ever expected to get into June 9 '05, I'm too far of beign a profesional the good artist 'd like be, but your support encourage me to keep in going . |
Comic: Alpha Luna |
There is a way to reply here without put starts??..., anyway.
I just wanted to say thanks, reallt THANKS all of you out there. I really apreciate your big support since I began with this project. I love feedback is encourage me to do more and pushe myself to the next page.
I'm still conercerned how this comic I've done reached the upper the #30 on this list....something good I'm must have done after all ^^U, just hope you like too what it's coming for the future , take care :) |
Comic: Alpha Luna |
That was my friend ¬¬... |
Comic: Alpha Luna |
Groovy!!, werewolves rocks! |